Apparently there's a new blog-tagging game called Meme going around, where each taggee has to write six book-related things about him/herself, then pass the word by tagging six other bloggers. I was tagged by Christine Duncan and her Rule of Three blog at and you can read her answers in her September 29th entry titled "Meme?". Here's my six book-related facts:
1. My TBR pile includes lots of mysteries, but also some literary, women's fiction, romance, and short story anthology books.
2. I'm in a book club that meets monthly to drink wine, eat dessert, gossip, and discuss that month's book.
3. I took a speed-reading class in elementary school, so I can read pretty fast.
4. My favorite children's picture book is Possum Come A Knockin'. My kids tired of it long before I did. It's hilarious!
5. I suck at writing book reviews, so I don't do them, and having to write a back cover blurb for someone else makes me break out in a sweat.
6. I did indeed read Nancy Drew when I was young, but my favorite mystery writer in my teenage years was Edgar Allan Poe.
Here's my six taggees:
Mike Befeler
Judy Clemens at The Little Blog of Murder
Elizabeth Zelvin, Sandra Parshall, and Lonnie Cruse, all at Poe's Deadly Daughters
Ann Parker at The Lady Killers
Here's the rules of the game:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random bookish things about yourself.
4. Tag sixish people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
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