Friday, May 08, 2009

Seventh Stop on the To Hell in a Handbasket Blog Book Tour

Just a quick note to let you know that today I am visiting Jen's Book Thoughts , a lovely book review and author interview site. Along with asking me some probing questions for her interview, Jen wheedled some ski-action photos out of me. Check out the one at the end of interview of me with my husband and kids at the top of the highest high-speed quad ski lift in North America!

I got a late start today because I was called into the city court as a potential juror, but after a couple of hours of waiting around, they let me go. I was kind of disappointed because I was looking forward to observing a one or two day trial for research. Please stop by Jen's Blog and comment, so you'll be entered into the blog tour contest for an autographed set of Claire Hanover books. I'll be checking Jen's blog tomorrow, too, because I don't have another stop until Monday.


Anonymous said...

I am loving this blog tour idea. How great to hear from an author several times. Although it's fun meeting the author in person, for those of us not in that area we still get to hear what you've got to say.

Carlene said...

Great interview with Jen today. Loved readed all your answers and getting to know you better.