Today is my turn to blog at Inkspot, the blog for Midnight Ink authors, and I've chosen to talk about my favorite mystery-related magazine, Mystery Scene. I hope you'll read the article and find out why I like this publication so much. Maybe you'll even decide to subscribe as a result. :-)
Also, I've decided that I want to ask my husband to give me a subscription to one other mystery-related publication for my Christmas gift. I'm asking Inkspot readers to let me know what their favorite magazine is and why. Please go add your vote to the discussion!
The shame of it all is how many hard-copy periodicals have gone the way of the dodo bird. I'm not even awar of the existence of more than a handful or mystery mags.
The Strand is great, an old fave. I pick it up now and then and it's always a treat.
At the risk of sounding nerdy, a lot of my MA work was on crime fiction. Through studying this topic, I learned of a great publication called "Clues: A Journal of Detection". For years this wa spublished by Bowling Green University, but as of 2008 it's been published by McFarland.
Its articles are scholarly, peer reviewed, exceptionally well written, and cover a range of topics within mystery fiction. It also has book reviews.
I consulted many, many issues of Clues when I was doing my thesis, and a number or articles fascinated me.
Cheers, Jill
Thanks so much for your suggestion, Jill. Clues is one publication that I've never heard of. I'll definitely have to research it!
- Beth
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