Today I am hosting a write-in at my home for Pikes Peak Writers' NaNoTryMo program, which is a variation of NaNoWriMo. Instead of participants pledging to write a 50,000 word new novel manuscript in the month of November, we're pledging to accomplish a significant writing goal that is a stretch for us and that contributes to our current writing projects. For some, that means editing an already drafted manuscript, and for others like me, it means finishing the rough draft of a manuscript that we've already started. And yes, many participants have officially signed up for NaNoWriMo also and are cranking out that 50,000 word manuscript.

The 6-8 PPW members coming to my write-in have been invited to arrive at 9 am or later. We will spend the morning writing on computers or paper, with or without music on headphones, while scattered in different rooms around the house. Then we'll convene for a potluck lunch and conversation from 12-1, resume writing in the afternoon and finish by 4 pm. I've stocked coffee, teas, sodas, and snacks and put out folding card tables and chairs for those who don't want to write at an existing desk or kitchen table or even on a bed or lounge chair in the house.
And there will be a "No Internet" rule! We can get on the Internet to conduct research for our work only, no email or social networking. So, you won't hear from me between 9 am and 4 pm today. Hopefully in the six concentrated hours of writing that I'll be putting in, I'll make a significant dent in my word count goal for my WiP (work in progress): the rough draft of the third Claire Hanover gift basket designer mystery, which is now 3/4ths done. Please wish me and all of my write-in participants luck!
Oh,how lovely - and generous of you! Definitely something to things about here where I live (a small village in Finland).
Thanks for the idea :)!
This is a great idea, Beth. Hope everyone has a productive day.
Thanks, Christine and Patricia, for the encouragement!
And here's the results, folks. A couple of people pulled out, so we had 5 writers total here and we wrote 11,500 words combined. One person was editing a manuscript versus writing one, so she only contributed a few hundred words. The other four of us were smoking!
What a great idea! To focus is the main thing--staying away from the Internet to blog, etc.
Good luck to everyone!
This is a great idea, Beth! Thanks for telling us about it.
Thanks, Sheila, Ann, and Bob,
I hope you'll all consider participating in an in-home write-in during NaNoWriMo month. I found it to be very productive, much more so than one in a public place like a bookstore or library would be, I think.
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