Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tomorrow's Guest: Triss Stein

Tomorrow, fellow mystery author Triss Stein will be a guest on my blog. Also, Triss will run a contest for a free autographed copy of the first release in her Erica Donato mystery series, Brooklyn Bones, choosing the winner from among those who leave a comment!

Triss Stein is a small–town girl from New York state’s dairy country who has spent most of her adult life living and working in New York City. This gives her the useful double vision of a stranger and a resident for writing mysteries about Brooklyn, her ever-fascinating, ever-changing, ever-challenging adopted home.

In her guest post tomorrow, Triss answers my interview questions, and I'm sure you'll be intrigued by what she has to say. Then, feel free to ask her some questions of your own in the comments.

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