Saturday, June 23, 2007

Colorado Springs Gazette Article and Internet Interview Available for Listening

Today the Colorado Springs Gazette newspaper finally published in the Life section Bill Reed's article on interviews about the writing business that he conducted at the Pikes Peak Writers Conference in April. I'm featured along with agent Kristin Nelson, editor Steve Saffel, and author Robert Crais. I'm honored to be in such a group! As VP of Pikes Peak Writers, my hope is that the article will encourage local writers who are not yet members to join the group and experience the benefits of our programs.

Also back in April, I did an Internet radio interview with Jeannette Cezanne on her World of Publishing show on the World Wide Artist Internet broadcasting site. It took awhile for the recording to be put on their archive, so it would be available for folks to listen to after the fact. I don't know how long it's been there, but I just ran across it today.

To listen, go to and click on "Track 7/Live Recording" that's labeled "Beth Groundwater." Probably because the interview was conducted by telephone, my voice is softer than the interviewer's, so you may need to turn up the sound on your computer. Let me know what you think!

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