And it wasn't even my own!
(Photo taken by Stephanie Merchant Johnson)
Today I was one of a troop of volunteers who are helping the Cottonwood Artists School in Colorado Springs move from its old location to its new one. Why is an author helping a bunch of artists move their studios? Because Cottonwood has been a huge supporter of Pikes Peak Writers (PPW). They provide us with a free place to hold our monthly "Write Brain" meetings, storage for our books, and more. This was PPW's chance to give back, and quite a few writers turned out to help during the move weekend.
PPW provided a lunch for volunteers (my contribution was apples and oranges) and bodies to work. I spent this afternoon scrubbing the second floor kitchen in the new facility for three hours until it was spanking clean. Then I unpacked the boxes of dishes, silverware, etc. and stowed them in the cupboards. My hands are impregnated with the smell of Clorox, but I'm feeling mighty proud of what I accomplished. And, I can't wait to see the new digs once all the artists have moved in and are creating beautiful works of art again in their new home. One thing I've loved about going to PPW meetings at Cottonwood is seeing the new artwork on display each month in the gallery and on the walls.
For those who would like more information about Cottonwood Artists School, which offers workshops as well as provides studio space to artists, go to:
Cottonwood Artists School
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