Monday, June 29, 2009

Talking about marketing short stories

During my northwest book tour, I met with the Central Oregon Writers Guild to discuss marketing short stories. You can see a summary of my visit by going to their website. I added a comment expounding on the information mentioned in the post, including the names of some websites listing short story markets. I averaged 20 rejections for every short story I published (many of them multiple times), so don't get discouraged. Good luck to all you short story writers!


L. Diane Wolfe said...

When I was younger, that was all I wrote, but I've done so many complete novels now I think it would be a challenge to try a short story.

L. Diane Wolfe

Sheila Deeth said...

I got two acceptances for short stories in the last two months, after years of rejections, so I'm still on a high. Heading over to follow your link, but I would say it's definitely worth persevering and sending them out.