Some of my fellow bloggers have decided to nominate me for this award. This fun award was created by Lesa Holstein at Lesa's Book Critiques. Are authors natural born liars? That seems to be the point of this blogosphere game.
The rules for this award are fairly simple.
Recipients must -
1. Thank the person who gave this to you. (Thanks Sue Ann Jaffarian, Maryann Miller, and Keith Raffel)
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person(s) who nominated you. (See #1)
4. Tell us up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth (or the other way around). (See below.)
5. Allow your readers to guess which one or more are true.
6. Nominate seven "Creative Writers" who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies (or as many as you would like).
I nominate the following:
Patricia Stoltey
Bill Crider
Terry ODell
Donna Lea Simpson
Joanna Campbell Slan
Camille Minichino/Margaret Grace
Terri Thayer
7. Post links to the blogs you nominate. (See #6)
8. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them. (Done!)
So, below are some things you might not know about me. Truth or fiction? You be the judge and let me know what you think in a comment. At least one is false and at least one is true. Here's a hint: read them carefully! I will post the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth here on Monday.
1. I have snorkeled with sea turtles, barracudas, and stingrays, but not sharks or dolphins.
2. I love to ski the green (beginner), blue (intermediate), and single black diamond (advanced) ski slopes of my home state of Colorado, but I stay off the double-black diamond (expert) slopes.
3. I broke my arm on the playground when I was young, then danced the Virginia Reel with it afterward because I didn't want to miss the dance.
4. I wore a walking cast for six weeks after dancing on a bar at a college fraternity party and slipping on a beer puddle and falling.
5. I've hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru.
6. I used to have a car vanity license plate that read FAKE IQ.
7. I've spent a night in jail.
I think you walked the trail in Machu Pichu, Beth. And, I think it's lie about that license plate. I don't know about the others, but there are a lot of broken bones involved there. Thanks for playing, and passing it on!
Lesa -
Congratulations and GOD BLESS!!
Thanks for the guess, Lesa! You'll have to check back on Monday to see if you're right. ;-)
Anyone else want to take a stab at it?
Congratulations, Beth : ). Hmm.....I think #1 is a lie, and I think #6 is true. So is #2. Not sure if I'm right, but this is fun : )
I think you have swum with dolphins. I think you ski double diamond. You did go out dancing after breaking your arm. I don't think you fell off a bar at at a frat party. Yes you've hiked to Machu Picchu (currently the only way since the railway is washed out.) You used to be in AI so I believe the license plate. No, you haven't spent a night in jail.
Oh, goodness, Beth, those are tough. Knowing you, you probably spent a night in jail as research. I know you're brave, so I suspect you've done most of the risky things. I believe you danced on a bar, but I don't think you fell and broke your leg. I don't think you've hiked to Machu Picchu though, so I'm going to guess that's not true.
And thanks so much for including me in the list of creative writer nominations. I see I'm in great company and will be looking forward to their posts. I had to do this not long ago and I don't think I fooled very many people with my outrageous lies. Putting my thinking cap on as I write...
license plate - i've seen it
done lots of snokeling so the dolphins are likely
dancing after breaking your arm
you're pretty gung-ho
may have spent a night in jail, but not for "legal cause"
the dancing on the bar thing
hiking Machu Pichu - you may have visited but i don't think you hiked up
you do ski double-diamonds or you wouldn't see NPG for weeks
1. False. I think you've snorkeled with them all.
2. False. I think you've skied it all.
3. False.
4. True - I'd like to think you're this much fun!
5. False.
6. False.
7. True. See #4.
My answers to my lies/truths are on my blog now.
Mike does know me pretty darn well, but even he hasn't gotten them all right. In fact, everyone so far has gotten something wrong. ;-)
Keep at it, folks!
I think you spent a night in jail, but I bet it was book research...And I bet #4 is a lie!
This is fun...Michele
I'll guess#7 is false.
I think numbers 1-5 are true. 6 and 7 are false.
Congrats on the "Creative Writer" Blog Award.
Oh, and you better make room for another, because I've passed on the Sunshine Award to you and your blog.
Check it out here:
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