The cover art for the first book in my RM Outdoor Adventures mystery series, Deadly Currents, has been released by Midnight Ink and is slowly making its way onto the on-line booksellers' websites. It's up on the Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites, though on Barnes & Noble, you have to search for it by ISBN (9780738721620) versus my name or the title.
I'm very pleased with the cover, because it illustrates the opening scene of my book beautifully. That raft is about to plunge sideways over the precipice of a killer class V rapid and spill most of its occupants. :) I love the contrast of the warm colors of the printing superimposed on the cool colors of the rushing water of the rapid. To read more about the book, go to the Midnight Ink catalog.
My husband is working on my website, building a "Books" page for Deadly Currents that will have a couple of short excerpts from the book on it. A Reviews page and Discussion Questions page will be added later. In the meantime, we've listed the blurbs I've gotten from fellow mystery/suspense authors so far on my website home page.
So, get ready to take the plunge and mark your calendars for March 1, 2011!
I like it!
That's a cover that would catch my eye!
I'd have to check it out.
Giggles and Guns
Pretty much depicts 'high adventure'. Looks like Midnight Ink takes pride in what they put on the market.
That's a great cover, Beth! And a little different than many of MI's other covers, too. Very cool!
Love it -- that is an awesome, eyecatching cover!
Thanks, everyone, for the compliments. I must say that I'm pretty psyched by the cover, too. ;-)
- Beth
Beth, that's a stunning cover. Congratulations! I really like it!
That's a great cover. COngrats.
Great cover!
Great cover, Beth. I've always wanted to go white water rafting but probably never will. Now I can do it vicariously by reading DEADLY CURRENTS.
And Happy Birthday! whenever it is.
Thanks so much for the compliments, Pat, Clarissa, Kaye, and Earl! And Earl, my hope is that LOTS of readers will want to ride the waves vicariously by reading the series. ;-)
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