Below are a few photos from the event. The first one shows me with Mario Acevedo, author of the Felix Gomez vampire detective mystery series, in our matching turquoise-colored shirts.

The next photo was taken at the Saturday banquet of me with my roommate, good friend, and fellow Five Star author Patricia Stoltey, and our Five Star editor, Denise Dietz.

The photo below was also taken at the Saturday banquet. It's of me with my Midnight Ink editor Terri Bischoff and my agent, Sandra Bond.

The photo below shows one of the fun genre-related workshops, this one on sword-fighting. I like the guy in historical costume holding a modern-day camera.

In the photo below, I'm with Connie Willis, the inspirational closing luncheon speaker and award-winning science fiction author, outside the Renaissance Hotel, right before we both got into our cars to drive home.

When did you and Mario start coordinating outfits, that what I want to know. :)
Wow, Beth, thanks for mentioning my workshop! You and Mario look very fetching in your matching shirts. And wasn't Connie Willis great?
Ha, ha, MB! Mario and I just turned up wearing the same colors that day, and we decided it deserved a photo. :)
Your workshop was great and deserved a mention! And yes, Connie gave a very motivating speech on Sunday.
Excellent photos, Beth. (May I copy the one with you and Deni and post it on my website?)
I love the RMFW name tag ribbons. We had a very late night on Saturday discussing a whole new set of ribbons for next year.
For some reason, perhaps the Makers Mark, none of the brilliant ideas come to mind right now.
I do remember that most of them were somewhat racy...
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