Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Tomorrow's Guest: L. A. Starks

Tomorrow, fellow mystery/thriller author L. A. Starks will guest on my blog. She answers my interview questions, and I'm sure you'll be intrigued by what she has to say. Also, L. A. will run a contest for an autographed copy of the first book in her Lynn Dayton series, 13 Days: The Pythagoras Conspiracy. She will choose the winner from among those who leave a comment.

L. A. Starks was born in Boston, Massachusetts, grew up in northern Oklahoma, and now lives in Texas. Awarded a full-tuition college scholarship, she earned a chemical engineering bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, from New Orleans' Tulane University, followed by a finance MBA from the University of Chicago. Working more than a decade for well-known energy companies in engineering, marketing, and finance from refineries to corporate offices prepared Starks to write global energy thrillers. She continues to write and consult on energy economics and investing through her company, Starks Energy Economics. In addition to her two Lynn Dayton books, 13 Days: The Pythagoras Conspiracy and Strike Price, two of Starks' short stories have been published by Amazon Shorts. Her nonfiction has appeared in Mystery Readers Journal, The Dallas Morning News, The Houston Chronicle, The San Antonio Express-News, Sleuth Sayer (MWA-SW newsletter), Natural Gas, Oil and Gas Journal, and the investor website Seeking Alpha. Starks also serves as investment committee chair of the Board of the Friends of the Dallas Public Library, a fund-raising and advocacy group that supports Dallas' 29-branch civic library system.


Ricky Bush said...

Well, welcome to Texas, L.A.

dkchristi said...

Thoroughly enjoyed the interview. dkchristi.com author of Ghost Orchid and more

L. A. Starks said...

Ricky, DK, Getting used to this format. I left a response at the bottom of the interview. Ricky, Thx re welcome. DK--I always appreciate your perspective.