Friday, April 01, 2011

New Contest!

I am announcing a new contest! If you missed out on my virtual book tour contest and my Goodreads giveaway, and have already subscribed to my email newsletter to enter my subscriber contest, here's a new one for you.

This is a photography contest. The prize is a free autographed copy of my new release, Deadly Currents, the first book in the RM Outdoor Adventures mystery series starring whitewater river ranger Mandy Tanner.

I want to amass a collection of photos of the book in its "natural setting," meaning bookstores and libraries. So, I'm asking you, my blog readers, to take a photo of Deadly Currents in your local library or bookstore and send it to me at my website.

Click on "Contact Me" and please provide the following information in the email:

- your name (First name only is okay, if you want.)
- your email address (This won't be shared. It's for me to contact you if you win.)
- the name of the bookstore or library where the photo was taken
- the city and state where the photo was taken
- the photo in a .jpg file
- permission to post the photo on my blog

That's it! As I receive the photo entries for the contest, I'll post them on my blog and ask for reader comments.

I'm looking for the most creative or original entry, so feel free to let your imagination run wild. Props, costumes, characters (people or animals), interesting lighting, etc. are all encouraged. I'll weigh reader comments on the photos in my decision, but the choice of the winner will be all mine.

There are just a couple more rules. I want to give the book away soon, so the contest will end at midnight MST on April 15th. And, there will need to be at least 10 entries for me to give away the prize. So, encourage your friends to enter (the ones who have less photography talent than you, that is ;-) ).

Good luck!

1 comment:

Beth Groundwater said...

I've got one entry so far! Where's the rest of you???