With my current production schedule, I no longer have the luxury of focusing on one book at a time. I still only write the rough draft manuscript of one book at a time, but I'm having to overlap most of the other phases of book production. Thank goodness I've always been a multitasker and I used to be a project manager! As an example, here's what's going on this week with my various books:
Deadly Currents, the first book in the Rocky Mountain Outdoor Adventures mystery series, released March 8th:
I'm in the promotion phase for this book. This week I finalized a future signing, sent out event notices & invitations for two signings I'll conduct this weekend, arranged a future book club visit, and tomorrow I'll mail a copy to a conference committee to use as a prize.
A Real Basket Case, the first book in the Claire Hanover gift basket designer mystery series, to be re-released in trade paperback and ebook November 8th:
My husband and I worked today on producing a new headshot for this book, and I sent an updated biography to the copy editor.
Wicked Eddies, the second book in the Rocky Mountain Outdoor Adventures mystery series, to be released next May:
Anytime now, I'm expecting to receive the copy-edited manuscript for this book to review and revise. Also, I'm expecting to see a mockup of the cover art soon.
Basketful of Troubles (tentative title), the third book in the Claire Hanover gift basket designer mystery series:
I'm editing chapters 17 and 18 based on critique group feedback, and they have the last two chapters, 19 and 20, to review for our next meeting. Also, I sent some scenes involving immigration issues to an immigration lawyer to get his expert opinion on them.
Cataract Canyon (tentative title), third book in the Rocky Mountain Outdoor Adventures mystery series:
I'm developing the initial concept, throwing ideas for characters, setting, scenes, etc. into a file, so I can construct a detailed outline in June and begin writing the rough draft of that book this summer.
All this, and I signed a short story publication contract, went to my son's college graduation, and hosted my daughter and her boyfriend for a visit! And, of course, there's the on-going social networking.
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