Last Friday, I encountered two milestones in the book publishing process. I celebrated one on Friday and the other one today. First, a copy of the uncorrected proof (or galley or advanced review copy (ARC)) of my upcoming March, 2011 release, Deadly Currents, arrived in the mail. Deadly Currents will be the first book in my new RM Outdoor Adventures mystery series featuring whitewater river ranger Mandy Tanner. This is the first time I've seen the manuscript printed up in book form, and dang if it doesn't look good! :)
The ARC came right on schedule, 5 months to the day before the March 1 release date. Magazine/journal reviewers need that 5 month lead-time to read the book, write the review, and schedule it for publication. Please cross your fingers for me. I'm hoping for at least one good review that I can quote on my website.
My husband and I went out to dinner at the local Outback Steakhouse with friends Linda and Don Friday night, and I brought the ARC along to show them--sealed in a plastic bag so no food or beverage would be spilled on it. When the waiter asked what we were so excited about, Linda went into her BS mode and introduced me as a famous author whose next bestseller had just been sent off to reviewers. She encouraged the waiter to have the manager come over and meet the author, and she said the least the manager could do was buy me a celebratory drink. By then, I was all shades of red.
The manager did come over, shake hands with all of us, listen to Linda's gushing story about me, look at my ARC, and accept a bookmark from me. Then, he comped me a drink! A blueberry martini, no less. Yummy. Needless to say, I recommend that everyone go have dinner at your nearest Outback Steakhouse. What a great place! After I got over my embarrassment, I thanked Linda for the little party in a glass, and the waiter got a big tip, too.
The second milestone was reaching the halfway point in the rough draft of my current manuscript, the third book in the Claire Hanover gift basket designer mystery series. My outline includes 20 chapters, and I finished the rough draft of chapter 10 Friday afternoon. To celebrate that milestone, and to get rid of the stiffness from spending hours and hours typing on a computer keyboard, I scheduled a massage for myself. So, if you're reading this Monday morning, think of me laying there in bliss while my massage therapist Barbara's magic fingers work all the tension out of my muscles. If you live in Colorado Springs and would like a referral to Barbara's Trager-technique massage practice, contact me at my website, and I'll put you in touch with her.
I think it's very important to celebrate the small milestones in the publishing process, given how long it takes to write and edit a book then for a publisher to publish it. If you're a writer, what small milestone have you celebrated lately?
I think it's so important to celebrate those milestones. I think for me, I'm afraid to celebrate too soon but we need to take time to congratulate ourselves on our hard work.
Congrats on your two!
Hi Beth,
Great news from you and I agree with the celebration. Today is my big day too. Would love you to follow my blog, if you'd like.
Congratulations Beth, you deserve to be flying on a cloud. You are a great writer and a fantastic lady.
Thanks, Clarissa, KK, and Nora, for your comments, and congratulations, KK, on your big day!
I think it's important to celebrate those small milestones too! My family does the same thing with my books. We go out to dinner and have a good time enjoying the moment!
I've had two shorts published this year, my first. Working on my third novel, of course, is taking longer. But with two ms. under my belt, I've feel as if I learned some lessons and the results are in this new ms. Finally being able to tell my friends and family that I was published was in itself the reward. It also got rid of the inner critic who said I wasn't good enough. A glass of champagne is always appropriate too!
I agree, EB, champagne is always popped at my house on the days that contracts are signed and books are released. :)
Congrats on those milestones!
We tend to celebrate with either champagne or nice meals out.
Congratulations Beth; what a day! I love to celebrate things, little and big, with take-out sushi and pink champagne. That, and long excited phone calls to my beloved sisters.
I agree, we have to celebrate the milestones along the path to our dreams in order to not veer too far from the final destination. I prefer a bottle of champagne, shared with someone special (the cost of the bottle is in direct relation to the point being celebrated).
Your day would have garnered a bottle of Moet and Chandon, I think!
I was away when you posted this and didn't get a chance to congratulate you. I'm so glad you honored the occasion and had such a marvelous time doing so.
Thanks so much, Brenda, Jessie, Diane, and Rhonda! Long excited phone calls to family are indeed on my celebration agenda because I can count on my sister and mom to squeal with joy. :)
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