Yesterday I took a break from working on the manuscript for my second Mandy Tanner river ranger mystery (that I'm calling Evil Eddies) to work on a personal writing project--the family Christmas letter. It always takes me quite awhile to produce this because there are multiple, sometime conflicting goals: make it interesting and entertaining and light, cover all the major accomplishments but don't make it a "brag sheet", and keep it short--about a page and a half, so a couple of photos can be inserted at the bottom.
Once I'm fairly happy with the draft, I email it to my husband, daughter, and son to review and correct, especially the parts where I talk about them. Heaven forbid if I say anything about one of them that's incorrect, passe', or is something they don't want everyone on our Christmas letter list to know!
After I get all their feedback, I make the corrections, format it so it fits on this year's holiday stationary, then start printing them on the black & white printer. My husband then adds the photos on the color printer, then the addressing and stamping begin. I'm lucky if I can get him to address & stamp those going to his relatives, and I get to do everyone else's. This is why I try to keep the recipient list down to 50 or less!
Wow, I wish I only had 50 recipients. No matter how much I pare it down, my Chrismas mailing list seems to hover at 100. It's a task I enjoy every December (November if I'm lucky), and so many friends and relatives have told me they look forward to it every year ... I just wonder if technology will ever make it a thing of the past?
In the meantime, Merry Christmas!
You have an award on arise 2 write.
Way to go! Proactive! I finally did away with the letter. My recipients get pictures of the kids, the whole family if they're lucky. You sound very organized!
I'm still doing letters. The one year I didn't send one, I actually got complaints! It does take time to do just what you said you try to do. I try to include information for relatives & friends, esp. the ones who don't hear from me often. I'm going to try to get mine done before next week. Running out of time here...
I know some people who hate getting Christmas letters but I really enjoy them. Good luck getting yours out this year!
so many friends and relatives have told me they look forward to it every year ... I just wonder if technology will ever make it a thing of the past?
Work from home India
I love receiving Christmas letters and catching up on all the happenings over the year. I like this idea and am glad to see it catching on.
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