This weekend is my last big promotion push for Deadly Currents, the first book in my new Rocky Mountain Outdoor Adventures mystery series, before I knuckle down and start outlining book three in the series.
The whirlwind of events started yesterday with a blogtalk radio interview at Gelati's Scoop GZONE with Giovanni Gelati. You can listen to the interview HERE.
Today, from 5:00 - 8:00 PM I will be signing copies and chatting with customers at Covered Treasures Bookstore in Monument, Colorado during the town's June Art Walk event.
Then Friday kicks off my red carpet weekend at Salida, Colorado, for their FIBArk (First in Boating on the Arkansas) whitewater rafting festival. The weekend will begin with a noon interview on on the local radio station, KSBV, "The River Rat." There's even been talk of me doing a few promo spots for FIBArk while I'm there. :) Previously, I was also interviewed by a local writer for the Salida Citizen, the community's on-line newspaper. You can read the interview HERE.
Then from 1:00 - 5:00 PM Friday afternoon (and Saturday afternoon), I will be signing copies of Deadly Currents at The Book Haven table on the back deck of the Boathouse Cantina, right on the river front. After that, I plan to watch the Freestyle competitions taking place in the Salida Riverfront Park and get some dinner with Lisa Marvel, the owner of The Book Haven. She has graciously offered to house my husband and me during the festival.
Saturday morning, from 10:00 AM until Noon, I will be the VIP in the FIBArk Parade, riding in a convertible and waving to the onlookers. What fun that will be! I picked up a couple of magnetic signs of the cover art for Deadly Currents today that I'll put on the sides of the convertible I'll be riding in during the parade.
After a quick lunch, it's back to the signing table. Then comes the highlight (for me) of every FIBArk I've attended in the past, the Hooligan Race. Teams build rafts out of anything that floats, dress up in costumes to match the themes of their homemade rafts, and compete to see who puts on the best show for the crowds lining the banks of the Arkansas River downtown. The beer flows, water guns shoot in all directions, and crowds hoot and holler as rafts disintegrate in or miraculously survive the rapids. Go HERE to see the highlights of last year's Hooligan Race.
I'm sure the imbibing will continue over dinner and well into the night, but my husband and I will have to rally by 9:00 Sunday morning to attend the VIP Brunch on the SteamPlant plaza and observe the Downriver Races. Sated after an exciting weekend, we'll head home to Colorado Springs for a well-deserved rest.
But wait, there's still a meeting with a book club on Monday!
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