This week, I had two contacts with social networking websites. The first was a meeting with the Second Life Writers Group on Athena Isle (to navigate to the location, go to: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Second%20Shores/51/50/23 ) in Second Life ( http://secondlife.com/ ), a 3-D virtual world. Cybergrrl Oh set up the event, created my avatar for me, and helped me learn the ropes—including teleporting me back to the conference table after I walked my avatar off the edge of the floor and plummeted three floors to the ground. :-) I’m glad that little maneuver happened before the participants showed up!
The meeting was a lively chat about how to get the most out of writing conferences, and boy, were my typing fingers sore by the end of the hour. The first photo is of my avatar (in the yellow skirt) chatting with Cybergrrl Oh about how to get up to the third tier of the clubhouse prior to the meeting. The second photo was taken during the meeting while my typing fingers were flying. To read a transcript of the whole meeting, go to: http://slwritersclub.blogspot.com/ .
The second contact was an telephone interview with CommunityGal from the Eons social networking website ( http://www.eons.com/ ). We discussed my Top Ten Rules for Networking as a Writer and my writing career. CommunityGal will transcribe the interview and post it on the site in the next week or two. If you’re an Eons member, my Eons name is AuthorBeth and I’m an active participant in a number of groups. Send me a friend request! I’m also a member of the Facebook, Crimespace, and GoodReads social networks, so if you’re involved with any of those, look up my name and send me a friend request there, too.
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