Friday, July 27, 2012

Being a Friend to Your Local Library

As an adult, wherever I've lived, I have immediately joined the local library soon after moving in--and joined the Friends volunteer organization for the local library. My latest home, Summit County, is no exception. I have a Summit County Library card, and I am a member of the Friends of the Summit County Library.

Today, I am volunteering to man the Friends' used book sale booth at the Dillon Farmers' Market from 8 - 11 AM. Next month, I have volunteered to help set-up for the library's annual August book sale at the Main Branch in Frisco, Colorado. I am a firm believer in supporting and volunteering at your local library. It's often the only source of reading materials and Internet access to impoverished citizens of your local county and town.

I know as a child, the local library fed my voracious reading habit, and I gleefully participated in summer reading programs. As an adult, I check out books for my monthly book club reads, to research locations for trips, for my own reading pleasure, and to research my own mystery novels. Libraries are extraordinarily valuable community resources and deserve your support.

Are YOU a friend of your local library?

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