Friday, June 02, 2006

Money in the Mail

After getting home yesterday from a few days of vacation in Breckenridge with my hubby and son, I got a pile of mail today that included two writing income checks: my advance from Tekno Books and a check from the Colorado Endowment for the Humanities. I'm rich! The advance check was late because the first one got lost somewhere between Tekno and my agent, so this time Tekno sent it straight to me. When I agreed to give my talk to Harrison High School, they sent me a form to fill out for expenses, and I claimed $10 for gas money. That form got sent to the Endowment, and they threw in a speaker's fee, which I hadn't expected. Found money! Between that and my advance, I'm feeling flush, but both checks are going straight to the bank to fund my promotion efforts next year. Now, to plow through the emails...

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