Tuesday, June 01, 2010

What is DorothyL?

DorothyL is an email discussion list for lovers of the mystery genre, which includes readers, reviewers, librarians, authors, bloggers, conference organizers, and more. It was created by a group of librarians at a July 1991 Washington, D.C. meeting of the Association of Research Libraries and named in honor of one of the world's greatest mystery writers, Dorothy L. Sayers.

I am one of the thousands of subscribers to the list, and I read it avidly. Usually I learn at least one new thing about the mystery genre each day, and there's at least one email that makes me chuckle or laugh out loud. I also find out what my fellow mystery authors are up to and when their new book releases are due. I've met many of my DorothyL cohorts at mystery events since I joined, and I've never failed to be delighted by them. If you're a fan of mystery books, short stories, movies, and what have you, go to the DorothyL website and join the discussion!

If you're already a member of DorothyL, please share with my other blog readers here what you most like about the discussion list.


Mason Canyon said...

I hadn't heard of Dorothy L before. Sounds interesting and I love to read mysteries. I'll check it out. Thanks.

Thoughts in Progress

Beth Groundwater said...

From Patty on Facebook:

"What is DorothyL? Amazing and wonderful come to mind."

Beth Groundwater said...

From Marlyn on Facebook:

"I've been part of DorothyL since the mid-1990s. I find so many reading ideas there; not sure if that's good or bad. ;-)"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling us about Dorothy L. I would love to visit her blog.

Beth Groundwater said...

Hi Tea,
It's no so much a blog about DorothyL as an email discussion loop about mysteries in general. I think you'll enjoy it if you join!

Anonymous said...

I love Dorothy L. I am an aspiring author who had waited to join, but now wish I had joined earlier. It is so interesting and inspiring, tips from great authors, you hear of books (and authors) you may not have heard of before or had forgotten to read.

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth,

I would love to join. Where do I join?

Alan Orloff said...

I mostly lurk on DorothyL, although I have made a few comments, usually when I happen to know the answer to a question. Maybe that's why I comment so infrequently ;) It is a great source of information!

Beth Groundwater said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth Groundwater said...

To join, click on one of the "DorothyL" links that I provide in the text and follow the directions at that website.

Beth Groundwater said...

From Donna on Facebook:

"And a great place to meet like-minded people. And some not so like-minded, but always great discussions."

Jody Crocker said...

Hi Beth. I love DorothyL and have been on it for years. I mostly lurk, but post book reviews once in a while. DorothyL has introduced me to many new authors as well as reminded me of a few I'd forgotten. Anyone who loves mysteries should join. They'd surely find some new books and made great acquaintances.
I never knew of the existence of mystery conferences before I was on DorothyL. I've since attended Mayhem in the Midlands and Bouchercon. Thanks DL.

jenny milchman said...

DL has given me a window into what fans of mystery and suspense love in a book. It's always surprising and entertaining to find out. I love the passion talk of a given book can inflame. And I love finding new authors there.

Kathy McIntosh said...

I've lost touch with Dorothy L for a while, but will have to pay her a visit. I've learned a lot and gleaned so many reading ideas from mystery lovers.