Given that my RM Outdoor Adventures mystery series has a whitewater river ranger as its sleuth, you would expect me to have my finger on the pulse of the whitewater sports community, and you would be right. If reading Deadly Currents has piqued your interest in this activity and you want to learn more, here's some recommended blogs and websites:
American Canoe Association blog
American Rivers blog, a river conservation organization that I support
River Ranger blog (particularly if you're inspired to become a river ranger and are looking for job postings)
Waterblogged, the blog for O.A.R.S.
Rafting.AllAboutRivers.com for a list of outfitters serving each state with whitewater rivers
Whitewater Rafting for similar information about outfitters throughout the US
Rafting Colorado website for information about Colorado outfitters
About.com's Whitewater festival calendar
FIBArk whitewater rafting festival website
US National Whitewater Center website, where our Olympic whitewater athletes train
Great stuff, Beth. I also respectfully submit my own blog, which contains interviews and more as I write my second WV rafting history book. http://www.ironarchmedia.com Thanks, and I understand if you'd rather not approve this comment. It is a little on the shameless side.
Jay Young
I'm always happy to connect with another soul who loves running whitewater rivers and who writes about the adventure!
Nice article reading about adventures and exciting experience makes me happy. Its really fun.
Great.. i love adventures things. because they full of excitement. these websites are really helpful for those who love to learn more and more.
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