Thursday, January 23, 2014

Waxing Nostalgic: My First Post on this Blog

After the New Year's Day celebrations ended, I was feeling nostalgic, so I went back to the first post I ever put up on this blog in January, 2006 and re-read it. I've sure come a long way since then, with a second literary agent and publisher and six books published now! Here's that first post:

At 11 am yesterday I received an email from John Helfers saying Tekno Books would like to purchase my novel, A Real Basket Case, for their Five Star Mystery line. I danced upstairs from my basement writing room and announced the news to my husband. After seven long years of pursuing a fiction-writing career, I'm finally going to be published in novel-length fiction! Then I called my mother, my sister and my daughter in college, who were all thrilled. I told them to keep quiet about it because I hadn't signed the contract yet. Today, I sent the contract attached to Helfers's email to my agent for review, along with a list of questions, and told John that I'd done so. Now I'm twiddling thumbs!

Note: I submitted A Real Basket Case on November 30, shortly after signing with my agent, Barret Neville, and discussing the book with Tekno editor, Denise Dietz, both of whom I met at the Colorado Gold Conference in Denver, CO in September, 2006.

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