I'm pleased to announce that my humorous mystery short story, "Flamingo Fatality," has been published in audio form by Sniplits and is available for purchase for only 99 cents.
"Flamingo Fatality" first appeared in print form in 2005 in the Manhattan Mysteries anthology, that came about as the result of a short story contest held by the Great Manhattan Mystery Conclave held in Manhattan, Kansas. All of the stories selected for the anthology had to be set in Manhattan, as mine was. In the story, Diane is just enjoying a simple lunch hour walk when she discovers a dead pink flamingo and is thrust into the mystery behind it--accompanied by an eccentric old woman and a very handsome cop.

I'm very pleased with the reading done by voice actress Kailey Bell, and I hope folks will purchase and listen to the story for a few good laughs. If you do, please let me know what you think of it after listening to it!
Sniplits has published two other mainstream fiction stories of mine, "Covered Dish Casseroles" and "Biscuit Connection," if you'd like to listen to other short stories written by moi. :)
That is soooo cooool. I'm excited for you, Beth. And yeah, I'm headed over to Sniplits right now to see which of your short stories in audio form I'm going to purchase. It'll probably be Flamingo Fatality to start off with.
You know me...I like to support my fellow writers, and you have always been especially kind to me, so I definitely want to support you.
I'll let you know what I think, and I'll definitely post something on my blog as soon as I get a chance, okay?
P.S. I'm sorry I had to delete my other posting, but I misspelled the word Sniplits, and I didn't think that would be a good thing to leave unrestored.
Cynde's Got The Write Stuff
Thanks so much, Cynde, for your enthusiasm, spelling error and all ;-) ! I hope Flamingo Fatality tickles your funny bone.
I really enjoyed this book! A best collection for all mystery short story readers.
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