Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Fun Fish Tales Quiz

As many of you know, I have a story in the short story anthology published by the Guppies chapter of Sisters in Crime that is titled Fish Tales The Guppy Anthology. All of the mystery stories selected for the anthology had to involve fish or water or both. It's been fun working with the other story authors on promotion events and ideas.

The latest promotion idea is a quiz that the group put together for Goodreads. Anyone who is a member of Goodreads can play and test their knowledge about the anthology--or just have fun guessing while learning some things about the stories. Here's the LINK to the book on Goodreads. Page down until you see "Quiz Question" and click on the "Take this quiz ..." prompt. Good luck and have fun!


Anonymous said...

Fish Tales?Hehe,interesting~

karen millen

Beth Groundwater said...

Yes, it was a deliberate play on words, Gabrielle, since all of the story authors are Sisters in Crime Guppy chapter members. Guppy stands for "the great unpublished," though many guppies are now published, like me. We stay in the chapter since we have so many friends there and can share our experiences with them.