Last week I finished reviewing the final proof for the paperback/ebook re-release of the first book in my Claire Hanover gift basket designer mystery series, A Real Basket Case. This new release is being published by Midnight Ink and will be out in November.
You'd think that with two editions already published, the hardcover and large-print, that no changes would need to be made. How wrong you'd be! Here's where I marked changes.
First, the author blurbs. It's been almost five years since I originally requested them. The hardcover edition was released in spring, 2007, and I obtained the blurbs in late 2006. Those authors have gone on to publish more books and some have attained or re-attained New York Time bestseller status. So, I changed the blurb attributions to reflect their recent accomplishments.
Second, there's the copyright or "verso" page--you know, the one with all the small print gobbledygook. I had to correct the reference to the press that produced the hardcover version and check that the proper book designer, cover artist, etc. were listed.
Third, the dedication page. Previous editions didn't have one, and Midnight Ink gave me the option to include one. I decided to take them up on their offer and wrote a dedication. To whom, you might ask? It's a secret! ;-)
Fourth, the acknowledgements page. I rewrote most of this, primarily to list and thank those hard-working folks who toiled on this new edition. I also shortened and summarized my thanks to those who helped with the hardcover edition, because, well, they're thanked profusely there.
Fifth, the text itself. My new copy editor at Midnight Ink found a few things that she thought should be changed, and I agreed with the changes. Then I found a few more on my read through the whole book (which, by the way, was a pleasurable exercise, since I hadn't lived through Claire Hanover's first adventure in five years). Lastly, I found a formatting error that had been introduced in the new version. Yes, these were all small changes, but ones that I think will improve the product.
So, my feedback to the editor has been sent, and that was my last chance to make changes. Let the printing begin! And I'm on to my next writing task ...
The list of items needing updating looked logical after I read them. No, you wouldn't think updating would be needed.
Some of Janet Evanovich's early romances have been rereleased. I appreciate that she makes a personal note about the book in the front, such as reminding the reader that the book was written in the 1980s so she had to update portions. We should have her problems!
Hi E.B.,
Thanks for your comment. I like the idea of a personal note at the beginning of a re-release, particularly if it's been quite a few years since the original release. And, yes, I'd love to have Evanovich's problems! ;-)
Thanks for the useful information, Beth. I wish I'd thought of the copyright page more carefuly when I put out Murder of the Month this spring through Lava River Press (via CreateSpace). The book was originally published by Five Star, and the cover art was different,so both those things should have been spelled out. I'm still trying to decide whether to go back and update them. Do you have an opinion? Liz M.
Thanks for the sharing of information of the 5 points.
karen millen
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